
Michael Palmer

Developer, Programmer, Coder, Gamer.


You can click on these for more details!

Untitled Metroidvania Developer

HexGrid GDExtension Developer

Lead Developer of MechaHell

Godot Engine Contributor

Salary Prediction Machine Learning Model

Turning the Stalk

SQL Appointment Software



I am a coder! I contribute to open source projects as a hobby, like the Godot Engine. I enjoy programming, solving problems is thrilling and I particularly enjoy squashing bugs. I think anyone can learn anything if they put in the effort, and that applies to programming too!

I have experience with several programming languages, such as Java, Python, C++, C#, Javascript, SQL, HTML, CSS, and GDScript. I also have experience with Python libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Sci-kit learn. I want to learn new languages, but also more about the ones I already know.

Contact Me

For job or business inquiries, I can be reached at michaelpalmern1@protonmail.com.